Hier Encore

Hier encore, j`avais vingt ans
Je carresais le temps et jouais de la vie
Comme on joue de l`amour
Et je vivais la nuit
Sans compter sur mes jours qui fuyaient dans le temps
J`ai fait tant de projet qui sont restés en l`air
J`ai fondé tant d`espoirs qui se sont envolés
Que je reste perdu ne sachant ou aller
Les yeux cherchant le ciel mais le coeur mis en terre
Hier encore j`avais vingt ans
Je gaspillais le temps en croyant l`arreter
et pour le retenir, même le devancer
Je n`ai fait que courrir et me suis essoufler
Ignorant le passé, conjuguant au futur
Je precedais de moi toute conversation
et donnais mon avis que je pensais le bon
Pour critiquer le monde avec désinvolture
Hier encore j`avais vingt ans
Mais j`ai perdu mon temps a faire des folies
Qui ne me laissent au fond rien de vraiment precis
Que quelques rides au front et la peur de l`ennui
Car mes amours sont mortes avant que d`exister
Mes amis sont parti et ne reviendront pas
Par ma faute j`ai fait le vide autour de moi
Et j`ai gaché ma vie et mes jeunes années
Du meilleur et du pire en jettant le meilleur
J`ai figé mes sourirs et j`ai glacé mes peurs
Ou sont-ils a present, a present mes vingts ans?

Please Wait!

Only Yesterday

Only yesterday, I was twenty years old
I caressed time, I enjoyed life
Like one savors love
And I lived for the night
Without counting my days
That was wasting away with time

I’ve made so many plans
That never came to life
I’ve build on so many hopes
That withered away
I will stay lost
Not knowing where to go
The eyes are searching the sky
But the heart is tied to the ground

Only yesterday, I was twenty years old
I’ve wasted the time
Thinking I could make it stop
And in order to retain it
Or even get ahead of it
I did nothing but to run
And I ran out of breath

Ignoring the past
Conjugating only in the future tense
I preceded every conversation
And I spoke my mind
I only wanted to do good
By criticizing the world, With insolence

Only yesterday, I was twenty years old
But I’ve wasted my time
By doing foolish things
That let me take off nothing specific
Except for some wrinkles on my forehead
And fear of boredom

All my romances are dead
Before they even existed
My friends have left
And won’t come back
Through my fault
I’ve built an empty space around me
I’ve wasted my life
And my youthful days

The best and the worst
By throwing away the best
I let my smiles go stiff
And benumbed my fears
Where are they now
At this moment my twenty years

Charles Aznavour

Charles Aznavour is a French and Armenian singer-songwriter and is one of France’s most popular performers. Fondly dubbed France’s ‘Frank Sinatra’, he is famous for his unique tenor voice that is as clear in its upper reaches as it is profound in its low notes. A prolific singer with a career spanning over several decades, he has generations of music lovers enthralled with his melodious voice and winsome demeanor. He is a multi-faceted personality who has written over 1,200 songs and performed in eight languages. Along with being a singer-songwriter, he has also tried his hands at acting and diplomatic activities. Born in Paris to Armenian immigrants, he was exposed to music at an early age by his musically inclined parents. He first performed on the stage when he was just three years old and realized early on that his calling was to be a performer. A talented young boy, he could sing as well as dance. He also attended drama classes and then quit school to pursue his passion. He struggled a bit during his initial years but soon established himself as a popular singer-songwriter. His unique voice combined with his knowledge of several languages, ensured that he achieved a cult status within years. Alongside his illustrious singing career he also pursued a career as an actor, appearing in over 60 films

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