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The Lyrics

L’âme en peine
The soul in pain
Il vit mais parle a peine
He lives but barely speaks
Il attend devant cette photo d’antan
He waits in front of this photo of yesteryear

Il, il n’est pas fou
He’s not crazy
Il y croit c’est tout
He believes in it that’s all
Il la voit partout
He sees her everywhere
Il l’attend debout
He’s waiting for her standing
Une rose a la main
A rose in the hand
A part elle il n’attend rien
Apart from her he expects nothing

Rien autour n’a de sens
Nothing around makes sense
Et l’air est lourd
And the air is heavy
Le regard absent
The absent look
Il est seul et lui parle souvent
He is alone and speaks to him often

Il, il n’est pas fou
He’s not crazy
Il l’aime c’est tout
He loves it that’s all
Il la voit partout
He sees her everywhere
Il l’attend debout
He’s waiting for her standing
Debout une rose à la main
Standing a rose in hand
Non, non plus rien ne le retient
No, nothing’s holding him back either

Dans sa love story
In his love story
Sa love story
His love story

Prends ma main
Take my hand
Promets moi que tout ira bien
Promise me everything will be fine
Serre moi fort
Squeeze me tight
Près de toi je rêve encore
Near you I’m still dreaming

Oui, oui je veux rester
Yes, yes I want to stay
Mais je ne sais plus aimer
But I don’t know how to love anymore
J’ai été trop bête
I was too stupid
Je t’en prie, arrête
Please stop
Arrête, comme je regrette
Stop, as I’m sorry
Non je ne voulais pas tout ça
No, I didn’t want any of that

Je serai riche
I’ll be rich
Et je t’offrirai tout mon or
And I will offer you all my gold
Et si tu t’en fiches
And if you don’t care
Je t’attendrai sur le port
I’ll wait for you on the harbour
Et si tu m’ignores
And if you ignore me
Je t’offrirai mon dernier souffle de vie
I will offer you my last breath of life

Dans ma love story
In my love story
Ma love story
My love story

Une bougie
A candle
Peut illuminer la nuit
Can light up the night
Un sourire
A smile
Peut bâtir tout un empire
Can build an entire empire

Et il y a toi
And there’s you
Et il y a moi
And there’s me
Et personne n’y croit
And no one believes it
Mais l’amour fait d’un fou un roi
But love makes a madman a king
Et si tu m’ignores
And if you ignore me
J’me battrais encore et encore
I’d fight over and over again

C’est ta love story
It’s your love story
C’est ta love story
It’s your love story
C’est l’histoire d’une vie
It’s the story of a lifetime
Love story
Love story

Des cris de joie
Screams of joy
Quelques larmes on s’en va
A few tears leave
On vie dans cette love story
We live in this love story

Love story, love story, love story
Love story, love story, love story


Indila, real name Adila Sedraia, is a French singer. She has collaborated with French rappers such as OGB, Rohff, Soprano, TLF, Nessbeal, The Algérino, DJ Abdel, or Youssoupha.

Singer Indila returned to the world of showbiz by featuring many known artists. She released her first solo single, “Dernière Danse”, on November 13, 2013, taken from her first album: Mini World released on February 24, 2014. The single has reached the second position in France downloads.

Indila is influenced by many artists, such as Michael Jackson, Ismael Lo, Buika, Warda, Brel, Lata Mangeshkar. She describes her musical universe as Variety World having no style to speak of. Indila describes her as “a child of the world” and sings in French, English and even Hindi.
At 2019 November 14, she released a new single, “Parle à ta tête”, the first new release after a long hiatus since 2014.

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